Arhitektonski Kolektiv (Architecture Collective) is an architectural practice based in Split, consisted of three fellow architects, a civil engineer, and a number of regular collaborators of different professional profiles. The practice is oriented decisively towards research and action in the realms of contemporary architecture and territorial planning. The developed workshop methodology of the practice is capable of responding efficiently to different project scales, the dynamic variety of interests that define new global and local, cultural and technological landscape of today.

Stomorska Hills vol. 2

Stomorska Hills vol. 2

Sudjelovali / Participants:
Mariana Bucat, Morana ostojić

Kuća svojom orijentacijom i smještajem na terenu pruža velik broj mogućnosti za korištenje. Dnevni prostor je orijentiran prema jugu i sjeveru (more), a uz korištenje pomičnih brisoleja, koje investitor još nije postavio, se prilagođava temperatura obzirom na godišnja doba. Prostrana terasa s bazenom je ujedno i ekstenzija unutarnjeg dnevnog prostora. Spavaće sobe su smještene u suterenu i izlaze direktno u maslinik.